SPCH 1315 Central Texas College Chapter 9 Presentation Aids Discussion

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1. Discussion / using CH 9

Respond to Part 1 and Part 2:

Part 1: Do all presentation aids reinforce or enhance the speaker’s message or credibility? Why or Why not? Provide an example.

Part 2: After reading about presentation aids in Chapter 9, make a list of the top 10 tips for creating and using presentation aids in a speech.

Note: In order to receive full credit, please write 1 main point in at least 150 words


2. Discussion / using CH 10 and 11

Respond to the following:

Words are powerful tools used to communicate meaning from one person to another. A good speaker can communicate his/her message clearly. A great speaker can create vivid images that leave a lasting impression with the audience. It is not easy to craft our language to do more than state our message. After reading the lesson chapters, describe the three best strategies you think will help a speaker become more effective with her/his language.

Note: In order to receive full credit, please write 1 main point in at least 150 words

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