Comm145i Rhetorical Criticism – Case Study Topic Choice Worksheet

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This case study must study one visual medium (i.television, film, literature). You will select one culture that is depicted in this medium.   You will want to study one genre of popular culture in order to look for influential symbols, characters, messages etc.

I am going to be broad in how we define the culture here: gender-specific (Pick one stereotype), racial-specific (Pick one stereotype), roles of mothers or fathers, professions (teachers, cops, doctors, etc), veterans, people with limited abilities, social classes, religious groups, LGBTQ, Blondes, French Artists, British Spies (ok maybe off track but also have some fun with it – the goal is to examine how the media portrays a specific group of individuals)

Prohibited topics: Disney Films, Teen culture, Romantic Comedies – These are too common.

Once you have picked your culture then you need to come up with a research question that narrowly tailors your point of focus. This question will be answered at the end of your study.

Previous examples of successful questions:

How have the traits of surviving female “Damsels” protagonists in horror movies changed from decade to decade?

How do female sports comedies place a woman in a position of power even when coached by male figures? (Female Athlete vs Male Coach)

How has the film industry represented the value of power and success in royal figures in modern-day periodical pieces?

How has the film industry represented patriotic war heroes in Western Films?

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