University of Florida CH2 Group Development Individual Group Reflection Paper

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Please watch a movie that involves a small group (3 or more) and analyze the group’s dynamics throughout the film. There are several Pixar and/or Disney movies that involve groups, if you need a starting point. 🙂 Please take notes during the movie (see content areas below), so that you can write a paper about the group you analyzed throughout the movie. Your paper should be in traditional essay format (Introduction, thesis, main point paragraphs, Conclusion). Have fun!

Individual Group Reflection Paper

Worth: up to 100 points per person (Individual Grade)

During the course of the semester, while working in your group on the project, you should be analyzing your group’s effectiveness. Note your members’ behaviors after each group meeting in order to recall specific examples for inclusion in your paper. An Individual Reflection Paper is required of every member and the grade assigned does not affect the grades of other members.

Your Individual Reflection Paper should be 3-5 pages in length, TYPED, and double-spaced. The paper should be well-organized in essay format and free from typographical errors. Please remember to proofread your work!

  • Group Development
    • Using the 4 Phases of Development from the textbook, describe the development of the group. How useful were these stages or phases in accurately describing group development?
  • Norms and Roles
  • Identity the group’s explicit and implicit norms. Discuss any deviation from these norms.
  • Discuss the distribution of task, maintenance, and self-centered roles.
  • Leadership
  • Did the group simply appoint a leader, or did a leader begin to emerge?
  • Using one of the leadership theories/types from your textbook, describe and analyze the leadership in the group.
  • Conflict and Participation
  • Was there equal participation by all group members?
  • What types of conflicts emerged and how did the group work through the conflicts?
  • Group Outcome
  • Discuss how effectively or ineffectively the group performed together.

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