Auburn University Main Campus Gender Communication Discussion

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Question Description

I’m studying for my Communications class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

If you do not have access to a long-term married couple, you may choose to write at least 100 words on each of 3 items chosen from the RELATIONSHIP TOPICS below– THE ABC’s OF RELATIONSHIPS:

  1. Introduction – what is your current status in the “relationship department)
  2. Issue 1 and explain your personal stance / opinion (100 + words)
  3. Issue 2 and explain your personal stance / opinion (100 + words)
  4. Issue 3 and explain your personal stance / opinion (100 + words)
  5. Summary & concluding remarks (include a reference to your parents or a couple whose marriage you admire & respect

    Signpost / identify each section clearly.

Gender ABCs of Relationships class list

90 day rule before sex

Affection equality between partners

Becoming friends before anything else

Birth control – who & how

Boyfriend / girlfriend question

Changes in the relationship when sex is less frequent


Courting the old school way

Dating more than one person at a time

Difference between love and like

Discovering personal identity before beginning a relationship

Divorce statistics

Does chivalry still exist

Dogs – no dogs in bed

Emotional relationship first – then physical

Engagement expectations

Expectations before commitment

Facing away from or towards partner in bed / Sleeping habits


First kiss

First love

Friends with benefits

How to tell your partner what you want – physically & emotionally

Long-distance relationships

Lust not love at first sight

Making time for romance

Marriage to one partner for life

Meet the PARENTS!

Money & dating


Mutual goals and expectations in a relationship

On-line dating

Open vs closed relationships

Partner as PERSON not object

Polyamorous relationships


Preference of meeting in person rather than on-line

Progression of modern day love and relationships

Public display of affection (PDA)

Relationship doesn’t work but still sexually attached

Relationship role models – who are yours?

Relationship without commitment

Sex is not the most important thing in a marriage / relationship

Sex vs Love

Sexual history – discussion

Sexual responsibility

Shacking up – does it lead to marriage?


Social media’s impact on relationships – instagram / facebook etc.

Talking phase

Time-line for dating, engagement, marriage

Unplanned pregnancies

Wedding expectations

What are today’s rules of dating

What differentiates a male snapchat best friend from your boyfriend

What does “LOVE” really mean – so casually used

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